About Clare
Clare Adrian is a performer, speaker, writer, musician, artist, poet, lyricist, one at a time, or in concert - as creative director of Claritivity Productions.
Some topics “claritivitied” have been: parenting, child development concepts, prevention of teen pregnancy, violence and drug/alcohol use, recycling, kid’s stories and songs, seasonal songs and custom songs.
Clare originally founded Claritivity Productions to present multi-media, performance-arts programs to effectively help prevent and replace abusive behaviors.
Clare is dedicated to education through the arts, especially in various areas of abuse prevention of children, women, environment and animals. Through skills as writer, performer, musician, composer, poet, and playwright, she encapsulates the topics she teaches into a multi-media format, to effectively help prevent and replace abusive behaviors.
​"If we are ever going to break through the patterns intrinsic to abusiveness, we need innovative programs that are competitive with the hypnotic spell of media ploys used to sell just about anything. Claritivity programs meet that criteria." Clare Adrian
Partial Client List
Consultant, Clackamas County Children Youth & Families Division, Oregon City, OR
Family Place Parent Child Workshop facilitator, Culver City Julian Dixon Library, Culver City, CA
Parenting/Caregiver Workshop facilitator, for 5 years in succession of Crucial Early Years Conferences for daycare directors, St. Louis, MO
Discipline Workshop facilitator, Daniel Boone Regional Library, Columbia, MO
Speaker, The Parenting Network, Barnhart, MO
Seminar: Families In Transition, Salinas Adult Center, Salinas, CA
Speaker, Meadowbrook Family Center, Seattle, WA
3-day workshop series Successful Neighborhood Resource Center, Columbia, MO
Workshop, Parents Night, Field Elementary, Columbia, MO
Positive Discipline Training Seminar, for Educare, Barnhart, MO
Parents As Teachers International Conference, St. Louis, MO
Teen Prevention one woman play production, Normandy & Jennings High Schools, St. Louis, MO
Speaker, Today’s Woman Network Conference, East Central College, Union, MO
Clinical Practices/Techniques breakout session faciltator, 15th MO Conference On Child Abuse And Neglect, Columbia, MO
Breakout session facilitator, 25th Annual Conference on the Young Years, Osage Beach, MO
Assoc. for the Education of Young Children MO State Conference, Springfield, MO
Parenting/Day Care Workshop, Week of Young Child, Auburn AL
Workshop facilitator, 24th and 23rd Annual Conference on the Young Years, Osage Beach, MO
Poetry enhanced Storytelling Workshop, MO Organization of Storytellers, Columbia, MO
The Rhyme & Reason of Raising Kids presentation, Potosi Correctional Center, Potosi, MO
Drug Awareness Program all school presentation for Elem. through Middle School, So. Calloway School District, Calloway, MO and Potosi School District, Potosi, MO
Speaker, 21st Annual Conference on the Young Years, Osage Beach, MO
Daniel Boone Regional Library performance, Columbia, MO, and Calloway Public Library, Fulton, MO
Speaker, MO Chapter National Committee To Prevent Child Abuse Mini-conference, Columbia, MO
Partial Reviews
"Clare's presentation struck me as the most uplifting presentation on parenting that I have seen, a sonnet on parenting to make Shakespeare take notice!" Beth Bridgeman, Book Consultant , Hannibal Public Library
"Her teaching through poems - a very dramatic imprint on the mind." Educare Training Resource Worker
“Your non-judgementalism is awesome, noticed by everyone in the group and appreciated, is a real gift, surprises them.” Participant of Educare training workshop
“Her unique presentation style allows her to connect with her audience in a meaningful manner. She brings charm, wit and a wealth of knowledge about parenting and child development to her presentations.”
—MO EduCare Coordinator, Mary Jo Herde
“You should do it worldwide,” Poetic Parenting workshop participant
"As a board-certified pediatrician devoted to the care of infants and children for over half a century, my heart has been touched by the wisdom and loving-kindness flowing through Clare Adrian's poetry, prose, music, and theatrical presentations. Her epic and extraordinary body of work offers parents (and grandparents, etc.) the insight, solace and humor sorely needed to raise healthy, loving and confident children.
Clare provides a mirror into the feelings and thoughts of even the youngest infants and children, and in so doing she provides exciting prescriptions based on love, understanding and humor instead of criticism, miscues and erroneous beliefs.
I invite educators, nurses, physicians, and above all, parents and soon-to-be parents, to immerse themselves in her wisdom."
Edward A. Taub, M.D.,
Fellow of the American Academy Of Pediatrics
Founder of Integrative Medicine
Author, Wellness Pioneer